New Literacies

What are the new literacies? 
To be literate by definition means you are able to read and write, however, it also is the capability to comprehend. The new literacies are traditional literacy, informational literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, computer literacy, network literacy, and digital literacy. 

Why do we include the new literacies? 
As educators we need to include the new literacies. We are teaching children who are constantly keeping up with the new technology. These students have hardly ever been without screen time. Students will be more technologically advanced than we are for this reason.

What do I personally think? 
I am not scared of teaching the new literacies in the classroom. I do believe it could become challenging, but everything can have obstacles. The biggest issue I could see arising from the new literacies would be the distraction it can bring some students and it will become difficult to keep up with technology because it is always changing. I think in the long run it will be good for students to include their interests in the classroom. However, I do think that balance will be the best for students and we should not completely switch to a virtual world of learning. Yes, it is extremely beneficial, but I do believe there are benefits to knowing how to survive without technology as well. 


  1. Olivia, you made some great points! I completely agree that one of the obstacles could be that the technology is always changing and the difficulty you might encounter trying to keep up with it. I believe, however, that because these students are never going to have to "survive without technology", that it is our job to treat these new literacies with the same importance as traditional literacy. Just as we want our students to know how to read and write, these new literacies are going to be essential to the success of students in the future and the center of most things that they do. The more fluent/literate they become, the better off they will be in their educations. This blog is a perfect example - technology is what our world is coming to and I definitely think it's something we should embrace and prepare for.

  2. Hi Olivia,
    I enjoyed reading your first blog. I thought you kept it nice and simple. I highly agree that kids nowadays are more exposed to technology, so they'll be "more technologically advanced than we are." It is true that kids are hardly staying away from screen time, which, in my opinion, is getting out of control. I agree that teaching new literacies will be more challenging, but I am not afraid to do it as well. Well done!

    1. This is Esmail Haidan. I don't know why it should "unknown."

  3. Olivia,

    I agree with you in the difficulty of being able to adapt to the constant changing technology. I like your blog post how you proposed it with the questions first then responded with the answer. It is very clean and organized.

  4. Hi Olivia,
    I enjoyed reading your first blog. I totally agree with how we need to keep up in times considering the students will be already so advanced in technology than any other years of students. You did a great job on this post and I look forward to seeing more!


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