Digital Audio

 Digital Audio

Why do we use it? 

We may use digital audio for many reasons in our classroom. We might listen to age appropriate podcasts or audio books. This may give the students the chance to hear better or maybe it'll get them more engaged in a topic. 

How would I use it in the classroom? 

Personally, I feel like I would use audio books a lot in my classroom! I think it is a good way to keep students engaged and interested in a story. I believe sometimes students find more it more interesting when someone else is reading to them instead of reading to themselves or the teacher reading. I also think when you listen to a story with different voices as the characters it gives the students the chance to visualize and come up with their own image of each character. 

The audio book I chose to insert is Charlotte's Web because well, it's a classic that I think we've all read before!


  1. Hello,
    I liked how you stated that digital audio can be used to listen to an "age appropriate podcasts or audio books." I do believe that audio books allows the students to be more engaged. I have seen in when I visited some classrooms. I will use audio books in my classroom as well. Great work!

  2. Hi Olivia,
    Using Audio books in the class makes it so much fun for the students. Especially the ones that change the way they talk according to who is talking and the situation going on. I know for one I try my best at that but it just isn't as good as the professionals. This allows the students to become more engaged and wanting to know more! I personally think it is great for students and will definitely be using them in my classroom.


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